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Business account checklist

Make your visit fast and efficient by verifying and bringing the required information and documents to your appointment.



What you will need for all business types

Membership eligibility

In order to qualify for membership, the businesses’ principal address must be in Sonoma, Marin, SF, Lake, Napa, Contra Costa or Solano County.

Account holder information

All requested personal information on the membership application for all names to be listed, regardless of classification type.

Verify Information


The Tax Identification Number (TIN) the business uses to report, depending on business type. No proof of the EIN or SSN is needed.

Unexpired Fictitious Name statement

The name statement is required to be certified by the county recorder only if the business operates under any other name, such as a DBA. If your county keeps digital records, visit your county website.

Unexpired government-issued identification

Identifications for any Controlling Individuals and Authorized Signers only.

Additional documentation

Depending on your entity type, you may need to provide additional documentation.

Review Additional Documentation

Additional Documentation

Additional required documentation by business type

Account Information

Verify account holder information

Controlling individual

The person who owns or controls a large portion of the business. They can open and close accounts, add and remove others, and transact on the business account.

Authorized signer

The person authorized to transact on the business account.

Beneficial owner (shareholder)

The partner who owns more than 25% or more of the business, can view account information, but cannot transact on it.


  • 1If you are a subdivision of a parent organization, we will need a letter from them authorizing you to use their name and tax-exempt status.