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How to create a business sweep

The business sweep feature ensures that a certain threshold is maintained in a business checking by transferring funds between the checking account and a higher interest money market or savings account at the end of each business day.
You can set up sweeps in any amount between $1,000 and $100,000, based on your business balances and needs.

If a business sweep has been created, review the step by step guide on how to edit and delete a sweep.


This article covers the following topics:


If you're using a mobile device, follow the steps below. For computers, go to the desktop steps

Move Money method

On the bottom menu, tap Move Money.

Move Money method create a sweep mobile, step 1

Tap Business Sweeps.

Move Money method create a sweep mobile, step 2

Tap Select Account to select the account you want to sweep.

Move Money method create a sweep mobile, step 3

Tap Target Balance.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Set a Target Balance. Erase the default balance using the backspace key, and enter the desired amount.

Note: The minimum amount is $1,000.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Select an available Money Market or Savings Account. You are selecting an account you want the funds swept to or from.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Tap Continue.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Review the set target balance and account selection. If correct click Confirm. To edit, tap Cancel.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Your business sweep has been activated and created. Tap Continue to return to the sweep option for edit and delete options.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Account screen method

From the Accounts screen, select the business checking account you want to sweep.


Tap the Sweep option.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Tap Target Balance.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Set a Target Balance. Erase the default balance using the backspace key, and enter the desired amount.

Note: The minimum amount is $1,000.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Select an available Money Market or Savings Account. You are selecting an account you want the funds swept to or from.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Tap Continue.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Review the set target balance and account selection. If correct click Confirm. To edit, tap Cancel.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4

Your business sweep has been activated and created. Tap Continue to return to the sweep option for edit and delete options.

Create a sweep mobile, step 4


If you're using a computer, follow the steps below. For mobile devices, go to the mobile steps

Move Money method

On the top menu, click Move Money.

Move Money create business sweep in desktop, step 1

On the left menu, click Business Sweeps.

Move Money create business sweep in desktop step 4

Click Select Account and choose the account you want to sweep.

Move Money create business sweep in desktop step 5

Click Target Balance, and set the amount you would like to remain in the account.

Note: The minimum amount is $1,000.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Select an available Money Market or Savings Account. You are selecting an account you want the funds swept to or from.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Click Continue.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Review the set target balance and account selection. If correct, click Confirm. To edit, click Cancel.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Your business sweep has been activated and created. Click Continue to return to the sweep option for edit and delete options.

Create business sweep in desktop step 3

Dashboard method

From the dashboard, click the business checking account you want to sweep.

Dashboard create business sweep in desktop step 3

Click the Sweep option.

Create business sweep in desktop step 2

Click Target Balance, and set the amount you would like to remain in the account.

Note: The minimum amount is $1,000.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Click Select Account.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Choose an available account you want to sweep.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Click Select Account. Select an available Money Market or Savings Account. You are selecting an account you want the funds swept to or from.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Click Continue.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Review the set target balance and account selection. If correct, click Confirm. To edit, click Cancel.

Create business sweep in desktop step 5

Your business sweep has been activated and created. Click Continue to return to the sweep option for edit and delete options.

Create business sweep in desktop step 3