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Business Account Sweeps

Turn surplus funds into savings

Automatically put your money where it serves you best.


Set up a sweep on your business checking account1 to achieve a new level of efficiency and growth for your business. A sweep ensures you’ll always maintain a certain balance in your business checking account while maximizing your returns and improving your cash flow.

How does a sweep work?

See how much you can earn with a business sweep

Business Premier Money Market3

Earn up to  % %

Business Performance Money Market4

Earn up to % APY

Business Money Market Growth5

Earn up to  % APY


You control the settings

Tailor your minimum balance anytime in digital banking to match your unique cash flow patterns.

Liquidity management

Your sweep will maintain a consistent balance in your checking account to help cover expenses and reduce the risk of shortfalls.

Dividend earnings

Choose one of our high-yield business money market accounts for your sweep and start earning a competitive rate.

Time savings

Manual transfers are a thing of the past. Your account balances will be managed automatically.

Good to know

A business checking account is required

To use the business sweep feature, you must have a business checking account with RCU. Check out our Business Essential, Business Choice, or Business Analysis checking accounts.

View business checking accounts


There are no fees associated with your sweep. You can activate your sweep at any time, adjust your settings, and watch your savings grow with zero fees.

Have a question?

At RCU, we're known for our reliable service, and we'll answer your questions and calls quickly.

Grow your business savings with a sweep

Automate your cashflow and start earning dividends today.

  • 1Redwood Credit Union’s Business Sweep feature is only available on Business Essential, Business Choice, Business Analysis, Active Business, and Premium Business checking accounts.

    2Rates are effective February 6, 2025 and are subject to change without notice. APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Fees may reduce earnings.

    3Business Premier Money Market Full Disclosure
    Minimum balance of $2,500 to earn dividends and (1) an active checking account at RCU. To be considered active, checking account must have a minimum of 3 transactions per month (excluding transactions performed through the Telephone Teller, and dividend posting); (2) a minimum monthly digital deposit of $500 or more into account. Digital deposit is defined as a deposit made via ACH, mobile deposit, ATM, or wire; (3) an active credit card at RCU. To be considered active, credit card must be in good standing and have a minimum monthly activity 10 transactions or $500 or more in advances; and (4) an open loan at RCU in good standing, an investment account through RCU and CUSO Financial Services, L.P.6 with at minimum balance of $5,000 or more, or an active property and casualty insurance policy through RCU Insurance Services7.

    4Business Performance Money Market Full Disclosure
    You must have an active checking account at RCU and a minimum balance of $100 to open and earn dividends with a Business Performance Money Market account. To be considered active, your checking account must have a minimum of 3 transactions per month (excluding transactions performed through the 24-Hour Telephone Teller, and dividend posting) and one of the following: (1) a minimum monthly digital deposit of $500 or more into account. Digital deposit is defined as a deposit made via ACH, mobile deposit, ATM, or wire; (2) an active credit card at RCU. To be considered active, credit card must be in good standing and have a minimum monthly activity of 10 transactions or $500 or more in advances; (3) an open loan at RCU in good standing; (4) an investment account through RCU and our partners CUSO Financial Services, L.P. with a minimum balance of $5,000 or more,6 or (5) an active property and casualty insurance policy through RCU Insurance Services.7

    5Business Money Market Growth Disclosure
    Minimum balance to open account: $100.00. Minimum balance to avoid a fee: $0.00.

    6Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (“CFS”), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. The credit union has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members. SEC Marketing Disclosure.

    7Insurance products are not deposits of Redwood Credit Union and are not protected by the NCUA. They are not an obligation of or guaranteed by Redwood Credit Union and may be subject to risk. Any insurance required as a condition of an extension of credit by Redwood Credit Union need not be purchased from Redwood Credit Union and may be purchased from an agent or an insurance company of the member’s choice. RCU Insurance Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Redwood Credit Union. Business conducted with RCU Insurance Services is separate and distinct from any business conducted with Redwood Credit Union. License no. 0D91054. NPN no. 7612227.