Keep track of your accounts and manage funds on the go
Get secure access to your financial information right from your mobile device.
Text & email alerts
Sign up for text or email alerts to stay on top of what’s happening with your accounts. Get notified immediately of any changes to account balances, certificate maturity dates, loan payment reminders, and more.

Easy-to-use banking tools

Mobile deposit
Avoid having to go to a physical branch location to deposit checks. With the mobile deposit feature, you can take a picture of checks to deposit them to your account from anywhere.

Report lost or stolen card
If your card is ever lost or stolen, report it immediately from your mobile device with the click of a button.

Bill Pay
No matter where you go or how long you're gone, never miss a payment with mobile Bill Pay and enjoy more flexibility in your life.
Learn more about Bill Pay
Go paperless
Save time and money dealing with paper statements by going paperless and managing your account from your mobile device.
Learn more about eStatementsHave a question?
At RCU, we're known for our reliable service, and we'll answer your questions and calls quickly.
Get a mobile banking app that can keep up with your busy lifestyle
Have access to all your banking information in the palm of your hand to easily monitor and manage your finances no matter where you are.
Mobile Banking from RCU is free, but you may incur data charges from your carrier/service plan. Please check with carrier and service plan on specific charges. Apple®, FaceID™, and Touch ID® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android® is a registered trademark of Google Inc.
1Certain restrictions may apply. Recipient must have a US bank account. Once a recipient claims their funds, transfers are generally completed within 1 business day or less, but may take up to 3 business days. Message and data rates may apply. Mobile Banking from RCU is free, but you may incur data charges from your carrier/service plan. Please check with your carrier and service plan on specific charges. Read more.
2Venmo® is a registered trademark of PayPal, Inc. Zelle® is a registered trademark of Early Warning Services, LLC.
Mobile App
Get started with 3 easy steps:
- Download the RCU mobile banking app
- Register your RCU account using the link on the sign in page
- Log in to get started
Mobile App Requirements
- iOS 15 & 16
- 9 & 10: Latest browser updates required
- 11, 12, 12L, 13
PPP Forgiveness Application Deadline
Congress passed The Economic Aid Act which changed the deferment period from 6 months post covered period to 10 months post covered period. For example, if your covered period ended June 30, 2021, under the new guidelines the earliest your first loan payment wouldn’t be due until April 2022, and you have until then to request forgiveness. Please use the following calculation to help you identify when your forgiveness will be due:
- PPP borrowers may select a covered period anywhere from 8 weeks to 24 weeks.
- RCU is automatically calculating your loan due date based on a 24-week covered period, if you intend on using a shorter covered period please inform us immediately as this will impact your due date.
- Your correct deadline will be reflected in your online banking account.
If all or part of your PPP loan is not forgiven, your first loan payment will be due the first of the following month after a decision is made by the SBA.
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