Grow your savings, effortlessly
Our free savings tools are designed to help you reach your goals faster.
Explore our free savings tools
Round Up & Save
We'll round up your RCU debit card transactions to the nearest dollar and transfer the difference from your checking account into your preferred savings account. These small transfers can grow into big savings over time! Log in and get started by selecting Grow Your Savings from the menu.
Choose your savings
Set up Round Up & Save transfers to your regular savings or money market account.
Double your savings
Select Double Round Up & Save within digital banking to double your transferred amount.
Automatic savings
Set up recurring automatic transfers in the dollar amount and frequency of your choosing to build your savings faster. Customizing these transfers can grow your savings quickly! Log in and get started
Customize your schedule
Set up transfers to your savings account weekly, monthly, quarterly, or in whatever time frame works best for your needs.
Transfers with no added fees
Schedule automatic transfers to your savings account without paying additional fees.
Start saving in 4 easy steps

Log in to digital banking
Go to your account in RCU's mobile app or online banking.

Go to Move Money
Click or tap on the Move Money icon.

Start a new transfer
Select Transfer Between Accounts.

Customize and start saving
Select accounts to transfer to and from, enter amount and select desired frequency.
Tips & resources
Quick tips for saving
Get paid and save: Schedule an automatic transfer from your direct deposit to your savings. As an added benefit of direct deposit at RCU, you can even get paid early! Save gradually: Transferring just $10 a week can help you save over $500 a year!
Set Up Direct DepositFinancial wellness resources
Want to learn more ways to build up your savings? Check out our financial wellness resources to help you with monthly budgeting, building emergency savings, planning for retirement expenses, and more.
Learn MoreHave a question?
At RCU, we're known for our reliable service, and we'll answer your questions and calls quickly.
Reach your savings goals
Log in to RCU's digital banking and set up your custom savings plans today.
Log into your account
Download our mobile app
PPP Forgiveness Application Deadline
Congress passed The Economic Aid Act which changed the deferment period from 6 months post covered period to 10 months post covered period. For example, if your covered period ended June 30, 2021, under the new guidelines the earliest your first loan payment wouldn’t be due until April 2022, and you have until then to request forgiveness. Please use the following calculation to help you identify when your forgiveness will be due:
- PPP borrowers may select a covered period anywhere from 8 weeks to 24 weeks.
- RCU is automatically calculating your loan due date based on a 24-week covered period, if you intend on using a shorter covered period please inform us immediately as this will impact your due date.
- Your correct deadline will be reflected in your online banking account.
If all or part of your PPP loan is not forgiven, your first loan payment will be due the first of the following month after a decision is made by the SBA.
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